Graphic Design,
Social Issues,
Social Justice,
Toward A New Normal
One of my goals for my 48th year on this planet is to reconsider and reflect on all the things our society, and myself in particular, consider “normal.”
The election of Trump has a lot of us wanting to make sure things we consider horrific don’t become “normalized.”
But what about all the other things that are part of our “normal” society already that should never have been “normalized”?

Prime geology home base for day trips into the Blue Mountains!
The rental is as described and was a perfect home base for our geo-fun vacation. We opted for the “get the fourth night free option”, so were able to spend 2 full days exploring the John Day Fossil Beds, Painted Hills, and Clarno Unit at the Palisades, and still have an entire day left to explore the older rocks of the Blue Mountain terranes (Baker and Izee near John Day).
Additionally, the Post Office in front of the rental is a Pokestop for Pokemon Go. So you can also have hours of Pokefun simply by dropping lures and trying to catch’em all, while sitting in the comfort of the living room.
Christy made everything simple and easy.
We will definitely be back in the future!!