Mark 10:44-45 Interpretation
In light of recent events…
Photo of our wedding by ? (family)
While perusing the Climate March posts on Twitter yesterday, I came across this:
I was proud and grateful to participate in the People's Climate March today! #LaudatoSi #ClimateMarch #NotAPaidProtestor #Mercy4Earth
— KimberlyAnnClare (@bonaventure99) April 30, 2017
Tonight, I played with words from the creator of one of the signs:
Blue Brick Texture By Beckas
Recrafted Words By Me
This is one of the signs hubs and I made for last weeks March for Science in Salem, Oregon…
And also used for the Climate March in Portland today. #RecycleResistance
After sitting with these words, put together in this way, an unexpected poem emerged.
“Not Silence”
One of my goals for my 48th year on this planet is to reconsider and reflect on all the things our society, and myself in particular, consider “normal.”
The election of Trump has a lot of us wanting to make sure things we consider horrific don’t become “normalized.”
But what about all the other things that are part of our “normal” society already that should never have been “normalized”?
I remember reading somewhere that some people come into our lives to help us relive and/or work past traumas.
I believe this to be true.
This poem is not all it seems…
Yet it IS…
Jesus calls for those with more to give to those with less. He warns that doing otherwise is not in accordance with God’s love.
Reworking others words…mostly to remove gender specific text…and incorporate the idea of being at dis-ease as a society and as a human being…
Source of original text/interpretations: